
Each Spring I teach classes.
I have taught at

-Snow Farm in Williamsburg, MA,
- The Concord Art Association in Concord, MA,
-Anderson Ranch in Aspen, CO,
-The Art Students League in Denver, CO,
-Green Lion Gallery, Bath, ME
-Turtle Gallery, Deer Isle, ME
-Jackson Art and Design Center, Jackson, NH
-my shop in Lyme

-the MBFA gallery in Lyme. 

The course description on the right applies to all classes. On the work by students page you can see prints and photos from past workshops and see images of prints made in classes.

Below are links to web-sites of some who have gone on to make hanga prints of their own after taking the class. 

Annie Bissett
Richard Sabin
Sandy Wadlington
Mary Graham



Introduction to Japanese Color Woodblock Printmaking
The Japanese developed a woodblock printing method using water as a medium, brushes to apply colors to the blocks, and use of a hand-held baren instead of a press to transfer colors from multiple carved blocks to printing papers. This is a low carbon-footprint, non-toxic printing method.

Workshops are organized to offer a comprehensive introduction to the tools, techniques, and materials    of this printing method. In each class everyone completes a multi-color print and engages with aspects of design, carving, and printing. The workshop includes sharings of tricks and techniques adaptable  to other art-making approaches (watercolor painting, western-style printmaking). All experience levels are welcome.  

Each 3-day workshop is taught in six three-hour sessions.  To find out more, and to see prints made by past class participants, visit the Studio, or send me a note.

upcoming in 2025:
Am thinking to take a break from teaching in 2025.
But please feel free to email with inquiries about workshops further in the future.  I like to teach and hope to offer workshops in the future, in 2026 and beyond.


September 10, 2024, 3:30 pm, at Brookhaven Residence, Lexington, MA

"Kunisada: Art within Art", an exhibit of prints from 19th century Japan from the collections of Taylor McNeil and Matt Brown.
Tuesday, Sept 10: Talk with Taylor and Matt in the Large Meeting Room.

Views of the Cotton Library:
Zoom class
Matt Brown . . . . . . . 23 Washburn Hill Rd. Lyme, NH 03768 . . . . . . 603-306-6547. . . . . . matt@mbrownfa.com