Orion over Monadnock arrived today. The evening sky over sea and mountain make me smile. I like the pairing. Thank you for the newest Matt Brown print of my collection.

Warmly, S. G., 7/21/2023

I want you to know that the framed print, Summer Day, arrived Tuesday in great shape. The packaging held just fine, and we are thrilled to have it in such a timely manner. Our son and daughter-in-law who enjoy hiking in VT will enjoy your artwork for years to come.
J.M. in VA, 11/3/2021

N. in NH, 9/13/2021
Hi Matt - package was delivered safely and my brother loves the print! Thanks for such a quick shipment. Happy Holidays to you and your family!
The print arrived today (finally) in perfect condition. It looks great!!!
Not sure what happened with the post office this week but they seemed to be running slow. I almost emailed on Thursday (for you to issue a lost package) but then it showed an update on the tracking website that the package was in Nashua. You are quite proficient at packing to prevent damage.
I will send a picture as soon as I get it hung.
Thanks so much. It will be a great addition to our home – my husband thought so too when he saw it. 😊
P. in NH, 12/5/2020
Hi Matt, the print arrived today, safe and sound. It's stunning!
Thank you again!
C. L. in MA, 10/13/2020
Hi Matt,
I just wanted to let you know I received the Plum Island Print yesterday and it arrived in perfect condition. I love the print, even more so in person (I’ve never bought a piece of art on-line before!)
S. T. in NH, 10/12/2020
Hi Matt,
I just wanted to let you know that the “Mansfield from Lake Champlain” arrived safely and my fiancé loves it! We hung it in our bedroom last night. Thank you for your beautiful work and help with my anniversary gift!
Samantha Globerman
Hi Matt,
The print arrived, perfectly intact today, extremely well-packaged. Its even more striking than in the photo, the frame you selected is absolutely perfect, both for the print and for our house. I know R. will be very surprised and pleased. I love the Japanese inspired character of this print.
Thanks again!
D. F. in NC, 9/21/2020
Hi Matt,
Your beautiful print came in the mail this morning and it just happens to be our 40th wedding anniversary tomorrow, so perfect timing! Thanks so much, we really, really love it!
Very best wishes,
A. and J. in NH, 9/5/2020
Hi Matt,
I’ve been meaning to email you to let you know I received the print and it looks great. Thanks so much for the very quick turnaround.
S. Y.
Executive Services Administrator
Thanks Matt
The prints were indeed sitting in the post office back room all this time! They did not send a notice but did offer an apology. I'll chalk it up to over worked postal staff on the holidays.
Christmas is saved! And we really love your work.
A Merry Christmas to you and yours,
D & S in NH, 12/24/2019
It just arrived and is beautiful! There is something about a storm that is very soothing, so it is going in my study. Thank you, Matt, for another wonderful print.
Kindest regards,
P. B. in N.C., 11/4/2019
Hi Matt
Just came back from L.A. and your picture was waiting for me. I love it it is so beautiful. I plan on going out tomorrow to get it framed
You are quite an artist.
Thank you so much.
T. T. in NYC, 10/30/2019
The print arrived today. It’s already hung in a perfect place in our family where we will get daily pleasure from its beauty and peacefulness.
E. C. in CA, 10/26/2019
Thank you Matt! The print arrived safe and sound and looks great! Appreciate your quick service!
All the best,
C. in Colorado, 10/1/2019
Hello, Matt,
I just wanted to thank you for the quick turnaround on my order from ooloopress.
I ordered it as a gift and, with the holiday in between, had wondered whether it would arrive in time for my partner’s birthday on July 8th.
“Egret” arrived in perfect condition, and looks splendid! We’re both great admirers of your work.
Thanks again,
T. W., 6/30/2019
Hi Matt,
I want you to know that Winter Walk arrived this afternoon in time for Christmas. It's so beautiful, and I cannot wait to present the framed print to my parents on Tuesday. Now my mom and dad are guaranteed white Christmases in Portland OR with their two dogs and cat for years to come.
So glad I saw your work at the Bruce Museum this fall.
L. in Stamford, CT, 12/22/2018
Hello Matt,
It looks great on the wall! Thank you!
R. W., in Newton, MA, 12/16/2018.
Actually, ignore that--the print just arrived today. It's absolutely perfect, thank you!! Thank you!
K.M. in Grand Rapids, MI, 12/15/2018.
The print arrived in perfect shape and looks great! Thank you!
G. M. in VT, 10/15/18.
Hi Matt
Received the print and could not be happier. Thanks!
C. K. on 10/1818.
Hi Matt:
The print arrived on Monday. It is beautiful. The frame color works great! Can't wait to give to my husband on his birthday next week.
Thanks so much.
B.M. in N. C., 3/18/15.
Thanks so much, they arrived today and are stunning. I purchased a framed print of "Washington from Little Haystack" this summer when I was visiting NH, so this makes 4.
G, from MA, 1/30/15.
Just a quick note to let you know that the print arrived with no problems. We like the print very much, but if you do a third state we would be interested in seeing it and possibly trading up if warranted. After viewing the "Water and Shadow" exhibit highlighting the work of Kawase Hasui at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts I have come to appreciate not only art form of wood block printing but the process to create the work itself.
T.K. in VA, 1/26/15.
We gave B the Eve on Winni yesterday for his birthday.
So now the secret surprise is over and I am emailing you from our email. It came through just fine and it is beautiful.
A A from MA, 11/14.
Hi Matt, just wanted to say thanks for the quick shipping. They loved the print.
J. in Brooklyn, 9/14.
Hi Matt,
I received the print in the mail yesterday and it looks perfect with the cherry frame!
Thanks so much for processing the order and shipping it out so quickly.
Take Care,
C. C. in Haverhill, MA, 3/14.
Greetings Matt,
We received our print and we love it!
It arrived to us safe and sound, and we could not be happier.
The frame looks great and the print itself is beautiful.
We look forward to enjoying this for years to come. M. L. in MD, 1/22/14.
I wanted to let you know how delighted I am with the prints that I bought from you last year. I love the design and color, and have come to admire their atmospheric, painterly qualities. They’re on a wall in my bedroom, where they have a dialog with a set of Hokusai prints from “36 Views of Mount Fuji” on one wall, and two Ansel Adams prints on another.Wishing you a great Holiday Season,
L. in NYC, 12/13
Matthew, your print arrived today in perfect condition, and it is beautiful! Thank you so much. Enjoy the coming of spring!
T & D, 4/18/2013Hi, Matt!
Your print arrived today (wonderfully packaged, thanks), and I'm very happy
with it. It's beautiful!
Thank you so much!
Best, T., in IL., 4/2013.
good morning Matt,
I received the print the day after we spoke..
thank you so much…
it is of course, lovely
S., 3/2013
I'm sure you hear it all the time: Your work is beautiful. This is the second piece of yours we have.
Many thanks,
P., 1/2013
The print “Boardwalk at Matinicus” arrived safely. Thank you.
It’s a spectacular print – gorgeous work. I’m thrilled to have it. I’ll be back in touch about other prints going forward.
All the best,
H (1/2013)
The wood block print arrived yesterday..I did call ..your son said he would let you know of it's safe arrival..and the recipient likes it so very much..thank you, thank you...
A. T. from CA.
. Matt,
Thanks for the swap. You are well displayed at my firm's office, which we've transformed to double as a place for D. to curate with VT artisans.
A. from VT
Hi Matt,
I hung the new Camels Hump print and it's beautiful. The contrast in the sky is excellent and the greens and yellows of the fields and foreground are really nicely balanced. Gorgeous printing job! Thank you for taking on this little project, I really appreciate it.
Sending the other print back to you with a check enclosed to cover your shipping costs.
Thanks again
E. in Oregon.
The woodcut prints arrived today. They are in perfect condition, they are
beautifully framed, and they look terrific on the wall of our bedroom.
The only negative is that each morning, as Kathy gets up, she will be reminded
that she is not in Vermont.
E. in New Haven, CT
"Along Franconia Ridge" arrived today and it is fantastic! As a skier, and hiker of Cannon Mt and Franconia Ridge and a printmaker, I was blown away by your woodcuts! Many thanks for sending it so promptly! I can't wait to frame it and hang it in my house. Where do you show your work? Do you have a website?
I thought this year's Boston Printmaker's Show was the best ever and your work stayed with me when I got home, forcing me to call and order it!
Thanks again for sending ti so quickly and for creating such elegant woodcuts!
P T in Atkinson, NH
I received your print "Moon over Mt Desert Island" as ordered. It is beautiful, as expected, and in perfect shape. There was a gouge on the outside cardboard sheet that only went through one layer - confirming the need for the protection you use. The only problem I have is holding on to it until Christmas - it may end up as a get well gift since my sister is having bilateral hip replacement soon.
My husband's reaction was "let's keep it" but he was dissuaded upon seeing your other work - his favorite is "Snow on Cannon Mountain" and I plan to be ordering it.
Your prints seem to me to embody Hanga (as much as I know); your blog is a model for mixed personal-professional blogging; great photos. You convey an integrity of work and life that is achievable independent of where you live or what you do. I can relate to it even as a doctor in urban Milwaukee.
V. G. in Milwaukee
My beautiful print arrived in the mail today, and I immediately hung it up!
Dear Matt,
Just want to let you know that your print arrived in perfect condition and that we love it, it is a beautiful addition to our life (makes the rest of it look shabby though) and much admired.
Thank you,
M. R.
Dear Matt,
Our picture of "Along Franconia Notch" arrived in perfect condition. We
have it hanging in our family run on the wall we planned while we were at
the fair.
We love your work,
T and J
Received our Camel's Hump print today (Nov.1) in perfect condition. We love it . Thanks so much.
J. B.
Just telling you I got the print. Perfect condition. And more beautiful than I even imagined. Thx for your care in packaging. Have a wonderful holiday.
Hi Mr. Brown,
I wanted to thank you for the quick turn around on the Hussey Sound print.
It is quite lovely and we are glad to have it. It is the first piece of
original artwork we have purchased for our home.
Happy New Year!
Thank you for following up!
It actually arrived the day after I inquired about it- well before your estimated arrival. Your packing job was exceptional. It arrived with a bit of a bend, and a gash/dent in the exterior, so I unwrapped it just to be sure the handling hadn't reached the print. Sure enough, the print remained pristine! I repacked it and wrapped it as it was, just so it wouldn't be damaged in "Christmas handling".
Mari was surprised and elated. She, too, preferred the 2nd state, and said that was the one she'd had in mind.
We've got it in a subtle black frame, and on the wall in her "office" where she can look at it often and be inspired.
At any rate, thanks again for a great print, and great service, which all made a great gift possible!
B and M in MD.
hello matt...we received the print today and it's lovely! thank you so much for your quick response.
looking forward to more of your work...L. H.in MA
Thank you for shipping the Pemaquid print so quickly. It arrived today
in perfect condition. Regards, L. M.
The print came Friday, arrived just fine and was worth the wait! I am glad you did a 3rd state edition, it will be hung with other two prints that I have of yours.
Thanks, D. S.
The print arrived in good order, and it's really terrific. We are going to hang it next to a woodblock print we have by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (Lady-Gosechi) It's a very different scene, but complementary.
Hi Matt,
I spoke with you last week about your Camels Hump print. I just wanted to follow up and let you know that I got it with plenty of time and it was a very well received b-day present. Thanks for all your help and expedited ship & hndlng.
I hope to make it to your studio someday so I can appreciate how you create these pieces.
The print arrived in perfect condition and is hanging where I pass it often.
I love it and I wish you spent a little more time in Vermont as I feel
vaguely disloyal enjoying pictures from New Hampshire so much. Your work is
simple and complex at the same time and I know I will never tire of this
scene that seems so familiar and yet so unattainable and mythic. I am
obviously not an art expert, hope that makes sense, or I could just say it
sure is beautiful!
M. in VT
Hi Matt
The print arrived yesterday without incident. It looks beautiful. Thanks so much. Have a great summer.
E. R. in ME
Hi Matt,
We received our prints today without incident – so completely lovely! Can’t wait to hang!