Integrating Mind, Body, and Art, a Color Woodblock Printmaking Retreat
June 20 - 22, 2025
at the Rowe Center, Rowe, MA
Seeking a time apart, a fresh approach to making art that includes an exposure to Buddhist and Taoist thought?
Hoping for a chance to work as a member of a group, to immerse in a collaborative art-making experience that pursues an innovative twist?
Hoping to experience a hands-on interaction with the mechanics of making woodblock prints using the Japanese hanga method?
Wishing to be a part of something unique, something untried and new?
Join Matt Brown and co-leaders Todd Binzen, painter and Tai-Chi instructor, and Matthew Daniel, Buddhist monk, teacher, and founder of the Newburyport Insight Meditation Center, for a camp-style retreat at a beautiful location in western MA. Structured around a group art-making project, this weekend explores the spiritual implications of making art as part of a team. While we are at it, we'll participate in serious Qi-Jong movement time, investigate and discuss relationships of color and form, of mind and body, and create something original and, we hope, beautiful.
On the Friday night Matt Daniell starts things off with an insight meditation talk, a guided dip into a Buddhist tradition seeking to enhance listening, calming, centering.
Saturday morning includes a Qi-Jong practice led by Todd Binzen, a warm-up to the central focus of our work for Saturday: a one-day art project in which participants work together develop one or more color woodblock print projects using the Japanese hanga method. Hanga is printmaking using a hand-held baren instead of a press, water instead of oil. It is relief printing from multiple carved blocks. Everyone will participate in the work of carving and printing, likely as members of teams, and there will be creative inputs from all on aspects of color, form, expression and visual meaning.
The focus of this work emulates the creation of the ukiyo-e prints of Japan (art-making that is collaborative, the work of a team). Using Matthew Daniell's kindling of the spirit to help guide us in our collaborative work, we will all play a part. Todd Binzen plays the role of artist, supplying vision in the colors and imagery, while participants learn the mechanics of the process - how to get imagery onto the various blocks, how to carve, and how to print with brushes and baren. Matt Brown plays the role of the publisher, helping to keep the work on track and bring the project to completion. Together, we will complete a beautiful piece of original art, or, rather, a stack of beautful art, a set of prints that dry under boards Saturday evening, get assembled on Sunday into travel portfolios, and disperse with each participant as a memento to take home. This means we each get an editioned print at the end of our gathered time on Sunday afternoon.
The Saturday work sessions include demonstrations of the steps of the hanga process:
- introduction to getting imagery onto the block(s)
- carving and sharpening
- introduction to printing (with a focus on making paste, using the pigments, handling the paper)
- more about printing (with a focus using the brushes and the baren)
During the weekend, there may be discussions of art theory, of time management, of the joys, challenges and function of making art. Matt Brown may share insights into the science of visual thinking and how we see color (a viewpoint informed by his work with Prof. Ming Meng on The Energy Theory of Color.) Emphasis of the workshop will be on the integration of parts: how to make a print using multiple blocks, how to be a part of an art-making team, how to work with our minds and their complex natures in new social situations, and how to enjoy it all!
Again, what is the concrete goal of this workshop?
All participants take home a finished print they helped create, mounted in an acid-free mat suitable for framing.
And the subtler goals of the workshop?
A time apart to explore relationships of body and mind in relation to others, and to a beautiful place and a wonderful art-making tradition.
Class schedule:
Friday evening, we gather at the Sibley farmhouse for hors d'oeuvres at 5pm. Dinner will be served at 6pm. At 7, Matthew Daniell shares a guided meditation and talk up in the Rec Hall.
Saturday morning, breakfast is served at 8am. Work begins at 9:30 with a Qui-Jong movement class led by Todd Binzen. The art-making work begins at 10:30 in the Rec Hall. We break for lunch in the farmhouse at 12:30 pm, returning to our art-making at 1:30. We finish for the day at 5, leaving time for relaxing, hiking, or using the sauna before gathering again for dinner at 6pm.
Saturday Evening we gather for song and celebration, most likely down in the Chapel.
(Consider bringing acoustic instruments, songs or poems to share, and an open curious heart.)
Sunday, after breakfast, we finish our project, sign the prints and assemble portfoilios. We take time to reflect on what we learned and how to keep working with the spirit of the weekend; we may be able to include a short history or nature walk. The workshop closes with lunch at 12:30 and a leisurely departure.
The Location:
The Rowe Center is located at 22 Kings Highway in the town of Rowe, MA. Situated at the foot of Adams Mtn., it is surrounded by beautiful forest, access to over 50 miles of hiking trails, and is only a short walk to beautiful Pelham Lake. A variety of lodging is available, and Chef Dan will provide delicious meals, accommodating most dietary restrictions.
If you wish to participate, or to know more, feel free to call me at 603-306-6547, or send a note to Jane Kaufman, co-ordinator for the weekend.
If you feel confident you want to do the class, hold a spot by sending a deposit of $400 (include a note saying "Rowe2025").
Sign up by May 1st for the early bird tuition of $350. Please contact Jane to be placed on the waiting list.
If something comes up and you need to cancel, expect a full refund of deposit up to 2 weeks before the start of the class.
Tuition for the three days starts at $350 (see note above). This includes all tools and materials to participate. Meals, lodging, and purchases of tools or materials you might wish to keep working after the class (printing jigs, carving sets, barens) are additional $.
Depending on your housing, if you sign up by May 1st, your total cost will be between $550 and $930.
Class Tuition:
- $350 includes tools and materials for our project
Onsite Housing:
- $305 includes meals and basic lodging in a dorm room or heated cabin
Room upgrades :
- Add $ 75 for a single twin in a semi private room
- Add $ 80 for a single twin in a private room
- Add $100 for a private room, double bed
Off-site housing at 15 Kings Hwy or 16 Hazelton Rd:
- $580 for a private room, double bed, at one of two nearby houses
Off-site housing, on your own:
- $200 commuter fee (this is how you get a total of $550 for the weekend which includes all meals)
Please contact Jane Kaufman -, (303) 974-8936, with questions.
Photos from class of 2024 at Rowe: