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I make woodblock prints using the Japanese hanga method.  Hanga is color woodblock printing entirely by hand, using a hand-held baren as a press, from multiple carved blocks.

Printing materials are water, pigments, and rice paste, the technique used to make the ukiyo-e and shin-hanga prints of Japan. 



Fascinated by how art  changes the way we see our world,  I am in love with the color woodblock print, especially woodblock prints made with water using the Japanese hanga method.  I love the look of hanga prints: clean carved edges juxtaposed with a soft watercolor look. And I love the intimacy of the hanga print-making technique and its reliance on the simple materials of wood and water.

Highest quality artist pigments, rice paste, and acid-free cotton rag paper are my printing materials.  Brushes and a hand-held baren are my printing tools. Each print is hand-rubbed, often from 10 or more separate carved blocks. Imagery pursues a focus on the lakes, rivers, and mountains  of Vermont and New Hampshire.  

Significant to the making of these prints is working the colors. For that task, I rely on The Energy Theory of Color.
Booklet is $20, add $5 for shipping, also available at the Matt Brown Fine Art gallery in downtown Lyme.



Using my baren to print


Matt Brown . . . . . . . 23 Washburn Hill Rd. Lyme, NH 03768 . . . . . . 603-306-6547. . . . . . matt@mbrownfa.com